Well we did absolutely nothing on the 6th. It was very frustrating. We were supposed to get picked up at noon to go to the PX and Commissary, but Terry (our awesome, wonderful supervisor from Ball State) STILL didn't have a car. That poor woman.. she has had an even more frustrating time than we have.. and she's been here since the 1st!! So then we rescheduled her picking us up at 3 p.m. She still had no car. We were stuck.
There were some more donations from teachers (they are so wonderful and helpful), so Jenna and I each got an extra towel and a couple of wash cloths. I got another set of sheets that will fit my bed better and a cuter bedspread (that was the picture of my room on the previous blog entry--new bedspread).
Kaye (the counselor at Wetzel) took one person from each apartment to the Commissary. Jenna went... she bought us a ton of stuff! I was so thankful and happy. She is so awesome. We each had a little pizza for dinner. She bought four little frozen pizzas. We went to make dinner and realized we didn't have any pots or pans or any of that cooking utensil kind of stuff, so the pizzas can be cooked right on the oven rack. They were pretty good, too.
Three of the girls in one apartment got their internet hooked up, so we were able to use it for a bit and use their landline phone.
On the 7th (yesterday), we went to downtown Baumholder. We took a bus from near our apartment to the main gates of the base. From there we walked. It was a nice walk. The weather has been warmer, but rainy. I bought a cute umbrella at a convenient, drug store type establishment. It says "Raindrops around the world" and has a lot of world capitals listed. It's actually a nice size umbrella and sturdy too. Good purchase I'd say.
We ate lunch at a little pub called Bitburger Pils Vis-a-Vis. Even though we got there around 1 or 2, they were alre
ady done serving lunch, s
o we could order
either a pizza or a toasted ham and cheese. I got the ham and cheese sandwich--it was very good. It hit the spot! Baumholder is
cute little town. The weather got cooler and the rain picked up as the afternoon went on, so we were all pretty chilly by the time we got back to base.

We went to the internet place first. We got that all set up. Me and Jenna, Liz and Sallie (apartment across the hall), Quintin and Al (apartment above mine) are all sharing internet and a landline phone. With the six of us sharing it won't cost us much for the four months. Very excited to get that all set up! Then we stopped at the PX and got a few things to last us until the next day when we would have a ride across base.
Jenna made us spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner. It was wonderful. I straightened up and she Swiffered our floors. These floors were disgusting! They're much better now. That night, all of us hung out at Emma, Kristen, and Brittany's apartment.
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