Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Stamp with a purpose!"

My day was fabulous! I actually got to do stuff!! Check in books, check out books, meet teachers, meet administrators, stamp the school info thing in new books that were being processed into the system. J. told me as she was walking away from my work table, "Stamp with a purpose." She wanted to make sure the school stamps were on the back inside cover, the title page, and on a page in the book.. preferable page 25. I'm not sure why. Different librarians have different page numbers they like to stamp inside the book. Her number happens to be 25. She also said, make sure the ink is on there and it's centered. Stamp with a purpose.

J. had to leave right after school to have something taken care of, so I stayed after while a distance learning student took a test. I then closed the library down and took her test to the office so it could be faxed. That student talked with me and was curious about me; she was so sweet. It was great. AND best of all, J. is happy to have me there. (Unlike my last supervisor who hated me being there).

However I'm feeling overwhelmed with all the things that are required for student teaching. See, I already had it all done.... but it had Wetzel information, not the high school information that I now need. So now I'm scrambling to get it all re-done ASAP (major sucko), and some information I can't actually get until tomorrow at school. Oy. Oh well.... it'll get done.

A few teachers have already recruited me to help with projects and everyone is just super nice. And actually, the elementary teachers were all very nice, but my supervisor just acted like I wasn't there basically. I'm pretty sure she felt I was a threat to her. More power to me?

So I found out yesterday that the Wetzel teacher, let's call her Mrs. C., didn't even want me. She mentioned to J. how she didn't want an intern and that it's so much extra work to have an intern.

Might I note that part of becoming an educator is this whole internship/student teaching with an experienced teacher. In order to become an educator, an experienced educator had to help you out. So, it's common courtesy to do the same for people who are learning to be educators. It's a cycle. You educate people of all ages, whether it's elementary, high school, or adult students learning to become teachers. Oh Em Gee. ;)

Okay, so. Two girls are student teaching at Wetzel (where I was for those whopping 1 1/2 weeks) and will be there the entire time. I found out today that Mrs. C. was in a REALLY good mood today. (We never saw her in a good mood previously, fyi.) She was obviously glad to be rid of me. One student teacher went to get books for her kindergarten class next week, and Mrs. C. helped her pick out LOTS of books. Wth? She started asking her how she was, what she needed help with, etc.

Mrs. C. also apparently sent an email out to all the Wetzel folks... except Liz and Sallie (the student teachers there). She consciously had to leave them out of the e-mail. Student teachers are put onto the e-mail list of whatever school they are at. So, for instance, I could send an e-mail to every single teacher and staff member at Wetzel, just by typing in "#Wetzel" to the recipients box. She must've typed different teachers' email addresses in one at a time or something to leave my fellow student teachers out of the email. I wonder what that email said.

Oh well again. I am better off not being there, but I just can't stop thinking about those students and how they are not getting a good elementary library experience. I also feel bad for the teachers there. The media specialist is supposed to be a resource to the school. He/she is supposed to collaborate with the classroom teachers. I tried to do that. I think she felt threatened by that. I could tell the teachers were excited to have a young, enthusiastic future media specialist there who was going to work with them. I feel bad that I can no longer do that... I hope they are not mad.

Anyhow, tomorrow is Friday. I get to learn about J.'s overdue policies and sending notices out. Alright!

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